Rear Wheel Bearing Excessive Play Inspection
1. Switch to the maintenance mode. (See MAINTENANCE MODE [(E)].)
2. Disconnect the negative battery terminal.(See NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION [(E)].)
3. Remove the wheel and tire. (See WHEEL AND TIRE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
4. Disconnect the electric parking brake motor gear unit connector. (See ELECTRIC PARKING BRAKE MOTOR GEAR UNIT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
5. Remove the rear ABS wheel-speed sensor and the bracket from the wheel hub component.
6. Disconnect the rear ABS wheel-speed sensor wiring harness and set it aside so that it does not interfere with the servicing.
7. Remove the rear brake caliper component and suspend it out of the way using a cable.(See REAR BRAKE DISC REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [(E)].)
8. Remove the rear disc plate.(See REAR BRAKE DISC REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [(E)].)
9. Install the magnetic base and dial gauge as shown in the figure and measure the rear wheel bearing axial excessive play.
10. End the maintenance mode. (See MAINTENANCE MODE [(E)].)