1. Remove the front under cover No.2. (See FRONT UNDER COVER No.2 REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
2. Remove the front splash shield. (RH) (See SPLASH SHIELD REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
3. Insert a wrench onto the cast hexagon on the drive belt auto tensioner and release the tension by slowly turning in the direction shown in the figure.
4. Remove the drive belt.
5. Install the drive belt.
6. Rotate the crankshaft pulley clockwise approx. halfway and verify that the drive belt is installed correctly.
7. Verify that the drive belt auto tensioner indicator mark does not exceeds the limit.(See DRIVE BELT INSPECTION [SKYACTIV-D 1.8].)
8. Install the front splash shield. (RH) (See SPLASH SHIELD REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
9. Install the front under cover No.2. (See FRONT UNDER COVER No.2 REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)