Cleaning Exhaust Tip Car

After a period of use, a car’s exhaust pipe often experiences corrosion and accumulates soot. Here, we will guide you on how to protect the exhaust pipe.
What will you need:
– Rubber gloves.
– Cloth.
– Brush.
– Sandpaper.
– Rust remover chemical.
– Soot cleaner.
– Metal polish chemical.
– Spray bottle.
How to get it done:
1. Note: Perform the cleaning when the exhaust pipe has cooled down.
2. Use water to clean the exhaust pipe, making sure not to let water penetrate too deeply inside.
3. Use a cloth to wipe off external dirt on the exhaust pipe.

4. Use a damp cloth and a brush for preliminary cleaning inside the exhaust pipe. Then, apply soot cleaning chemical by spraying it directly into the exhaust pipe. Use the brush until it is clean, then stop. Remember to use a cloth for wiping during the cleaning process.

5. For pipes with rust, clean with a rust remover solution. During the cleaning process, pay attention to spraying water.
6. Proceed to polish the tailpipe. You can use a polishing machine or pour metal polish onto a clean cloth and wipe it.
Ensure safety by following the manufacturer’s guidelines for using chemicals and always wear protective gear during the cleaning process.
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