




Engine Tune-up Preparation

•  If the accelerator pedal is depressed continuously for a specified time, the engine speed may decrease to the idle speed. This is due to the fuel cut control operation, which prevents overheating, and this does not indicate a malfunction. The engine control returns to normal when the accelerator pedal is released.

1.  Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.

2.  Verify the following.

•  MTX: Shift lever is in Neutral position
•  ATX: Selector lever is in P or N position

•  The engine coolant temperature and oil temperature can be verified by the M-MDS PIDs ECT and OIL_TEMP.

3.  Maintain the engine speed at 2,500 to 3,000 rpm and warm up the engine. (Engine coolant temperature is 80 °C {176 °F} or more, oil temperature is 60 °C {140 °F}or more)

4.  Turn off all electrical loads with the engine idling.

5.  If the cooling fan is running, wait until it stops running.

Idle Speed Verification

•  Idle speed cannot be adjusted.
•  The M-MDS is required to verify the idle speed.

1.  Perform the preparations for the engine tune-up. (See Engine Tune-up Preparation)

2.  Verify that the idle speed (PID: ENG_RPM) is within the standard using the M-MDS data monitor function. (See PID/DATA MONITOR INSPECTION.)(See PID/DATA MONITOR TABLE [PCM (SKYACTIV-X)].)

•  If there is a malfunction, refer to the symptom troubleshooting. (See SYMPTOM DIAGNOSTIC INDEX [SKYACTIV-X].)
Idle speed (ATX: P or N position, MTX: Neutral position)
550—650 rpm

Ignition Timing Verification

•  The ignition timing cannot be adjusted.
•  The M-MDS is required to verify the ignition timing.

1.  Perform the preparations for the engine tune-up. (See Engine Tune-up Preparation)

2.  Verify the ignition timing (PID: SPARK_ADV) using the M-MDS data monitor function. (See PID/DATA MONITOR INSPECTION.)(See PID/DATA MONITOR TABLE [PCM (SKYACTIV-X)].)

Ignition timing (ATX: P or N position, MTX: Neutral position)
Approx. BTDC 0°

3.  Increase the engine speed gradually and verify that the ignition timing advances.

•  If there is a malfunction, refer to the symptom troubleshooting. (See SYMPTOM DIAGNOSTIC INDEX [SKYACTIV-X].)

Idle CO and HC Concentration Verification

1.  Verify that the idle speed and ignition timing are within the standard. (See Idle Speed Verification)(See Ignition Timing Verification)

2.  Set up the CO, HC tester.

3.  Verify that the CO and HC concentrations are within the standard.

•  If there is a malfunction, refer to the symptom troubleshooting. (See SYMPTOM DIAGNOSTIC INDEX [SKYACTIV-X].)
―  If there is no malfunction, replace the catalytic converter. (See CATALYTIC CONVERTER (GPF) REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-X 2.0].)
CO concentration
Within legal specification
HC concentration
Within legal specification

Idle Increase Control Verification

•  Idle speed cannot be adjusted.
•  The M-MDS or equivalent is required to verify the idle speed.

1.  Perform the preparations for the engine tune-up. (See Engine Tune-up Preparation)

2.  Verify that the idle speed according to each load (PID: ENG_RPM) is within the standard using the M-MDS data monitor function. (See PID/DATA MONITOR INSPECTION.)(See PID/DATA MONITOR TABLE [PCM (SKYACTIV-X)].)

•  If the engine speed is not within the standard when a specified load is applied, inspect the related input parts, wiring harnesses, and connectors.
Idle increase speed (ATX: P or N position, MTX: Neutral position)
A/C operation: 650—800 rpm
Electrical load applied: 600—750 rpm