Home id0103s48916s7
Drive-by-wire Control System Inspection
Load compensation inspection
1. Start the engine and let it idle.
2. Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.
3. Select the ENG_RPM PID.
• Excludes temporary idle speed drop just after the loads are turned on.
4. Verify that the engine speed is within specification under each load condition.
• If the load condition is not as specified, inspect the following:
― A/C switch and related wiring harness system (A/C request signal is always on or off)
― Electrical load
Idle-up speed [SKYACTIV-G 2.0] (MTX: Neutral position, ATX: P, N position)
No load: 500—600 rpm (MTX), 550—650 rpm (ATX)
A/C on: 650—800 rpm
Electrical loads on: 600—750 rpm
Idle-up speed [SKYACTIV-G 2.5] (P, N position)
No load: 550—650 rpm
A/C on: 650—800 rpm
Electrical loads on: 600—750 rpm
Electronic Control Throttle Operation Inspection
1. Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.
2. Perform the KOEO or KOER self test. (See DTC INSPECTION .)
3. Verify that none of the following DTCs are displayed:
• P0122:00, P0123:00, P0222:00, P0223:00, P0638:00, P2101:00, P2107:00, P2109:00, P2110:00, P2112:00, P2119:00, P2122:00, P2123:00, P2127:00, P2128:00, P2135:00 and P2138:00
4. Access the following PCM PIDs using the M-MDS. (See PID/DATA MONITOR INSPECTION .)
5. With the accelerator pedal not depressed and with it depressed to the floor, verify that the data monitor item THRO_ANG_ACT value changes in conjunction with the THRO_ANG_COMD value.
• If this change cannot be verified, perform the Resistance Inspection for the throttle body.
Brake override system operation inspection
• If the brake override system operates normally after performing the following inspection, the PCM detects DTC P2299:00.
1. Start the engine and let it idle.
2. Verify that the engine speed becomes less than 1,200 rpm under the following conditions.
• Neutral (MTX)
• N position (ATX)
• Engine speed of 3,000 rpm or more with accelerator pedal depressed
• Brake pedal depressed
― If the engine speed becomes approx. 1,200 rpm , clear the PCM DTC using the M-MDS. (System operation is normal.)
― If the engine speed does not become approx. 1,200 rpm , inspect for the following parts, then repair or replace the malfunctioning part:
• Neutral sensor No.1 (MTX)
Neutral sensor No.2 (MTX)
• Communication between PCM and TCM (ATX)
Fuel Cut Control System Inspection
• This inspection has to be performed after the Fuel Injector Operation Inspection.
If data monitor function of M-MDS is used:
1. Warm up the engine and idle it.
2. Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.
4. Monitor both PIDs while performing the following steps:
(1) Depress the accelerator pedal and increase the ENG_RPM PID to 4,000 rpm .
(2) Quickly release the accelerator pedal (brake pedal is not depressed) and verify that the FUEL_PULSE_WD PID is 0 msec , and 2—5 msec when the ENG_RPM PID drops below 1,200 rpm .
• If not as specified, inspect the following:
― ECT sensor No.1 and related wiring harness
ECT sensor No.2 and related wiring harness
If data monitor function of M-MDS is not used:
1. Warm up the engine and idle it.
2. Measure the fuel injector control signal wave profile using the oscilloscope while performing the following steps:
(1) Depress the accelerator pedal and increase the engine speed to 4,000 rpm .
(2) Quickly release the accelerator pedal (brake pedal is not depressed) and verify that the wave profile constant B+ , and the wave appears when the engine speed drops below 1,200 rpm .
• If not as specified, inspect the following:
― ECT sensor No.1 and related wiring harness
ECT sensor No.2 and related wiring harness
A/C Cut-off Control System Inspection
1. Start the engine.
2. Turn the A/C switch on.
3. Verify that the A/C compressor magnetic clutch actuates.
• If it does not actuate, perform the symptom troubleshooting “A/C DOES NOT WORK SUFFICIENTLY“.
4. Fully open the throttle valve and verify that the A/C compressor magnetic clutch does not actuate for 2—5 s .
• If it actuates, inspect the following:
― Open or short to ground in wiring harness and connectors (Battery—IG1 relay No.2—A/C relay—PCM terminal 2AF)
― A/C related parts
Related PIDs