




1.  Disconnect the negative battery terminal.

2.  Perform the following procedure to remove the control cables (shift lever side).

(1)  Remove the shift lever knob. (See SHIFT LEVER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [C66M-R].)
(2)  Remove the upper panel. (See UPPER PANEL REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
(3)  Remove the console side panel. (See CONSOLE SIDE PANEL REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
(4)  Remove the shift panel. (See SHIFT PANEL REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
(5)  Remove the front console box. (See FRONT CONSOLE BOX REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
(6)  Remove the cup holder. (See CUP HOLDER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
(7)  Remove the side wall. (See SIDE WALL REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
(8)  Remove the rear console bracket No.1.
(9)  Press the tabs on the control cables as shown in the figure and disconnect the control cables from the shift lever. (See Control Cables (Shift Lever Side) Installation Note.)
•  When disconnecting the control cable from the shift lever, do not press the control cable tabs with excessive force. Otherwise, they may be damaged.
(10)  Disconnect the control cable end (shift side) from the shift lever as shown in the figure. (See Control Cables (Shift Lever Side) Installation Note.)
(11)  Push out the lock piece in the direction shown in the figure.
•  When pressing the lock piece out of the control cable end (select side), do not press out the lock piece with excessive force. Otherwise, it may be damaged.
(12)  Disconnect the control cable end (select side) from the shift lever. (See Control Cables (Shift Lever Side) Installation Note.)

3.  Perform the following procedure to remove the control cables (transaxle side).

(1)  Remove the following parts as a single unit.
•  Air cleaner cover
•  Air cleaner element
•  Fresh-air duct
•  Air cleaner case
•  Air hose
•  Resonance chamber
(2)  Remove the battery.
(3)  Remove the battery tray and PCM component as a single unit.
(4)  Pull the lock pin in the direction of the arrow shown in the figure and release the control cable ends (manual transaxle side) lock.
•  Pull the lock pin within the range shown in the figure. If the lock pin is pulled excessively, it could deform and no longer function.
(5)  Disconnect the control cable ends from the manual transaxle. (See Control Cable Ends (Transaxle Side) Installation Note.)
(6)  Press the tabs on the control cables and disconnect the control cables from the control cable bracket.

4.  Remove the fastening nut for the control cables.


5.  Remove the fastening nuts for the grommet.


6.  Pull out the selector cable from inside the cabin and remove it.

7.  Install in the reverse order of removal.

Control Cable Ends (Transaxle Side) Installation Note

1.  Verify that the shift control module is in the neutral position.

•  Pull the lock pin within the range shown in the figure. If the lock pin is pulled excessively, it could deform and no longer function.

2.  Install the lock pin to the groove of the control cable end.


3.  Connect the control cable end to the manual transaxle.

Control Cables (Shift Lever Side) Installation Note

1.  Verify that the shift lever is in the neutral position.

2.  Connect the control cables to the shift lever.


3.  Install the control cable end (shift side) using the following procedure.


(1)  Point the projection of the control cable end (shift side) towards the upper side of the vehicle.
(2)  Point the marking of the control cable end (shift side) towards the right side of the vehicle.
(3)  Install the control cable end (shift side).

•  Because the vehicle may have been moved during the servicing, verify that the shift lever is in neutral again.

4.  Install the control cable end (select side) to the shift lever so that the projection of the lock piece is positioned on the left side of the vehicle.

5.  Verify that the shift lever and the manual transaxle are in the neutral position.

6.  Shift the shift lever to fourth gear.

7.  Verify that the boundary between the lock piece and the control cable is within the red mark.


8.  Press in the lock piece in the direction shown in the figure.


9.  Shift the shift lever to the neutral position.